Pullover Hoodie for Packie McReary

Happy St. Packie McReary's Day!!! I observe Packie's birthday every March 17th, and this year I've made him a hoodie for anyone who would like to see him not freeze in cold temperatures. As a New England man myself I'm fond of the all-year midsleeve like him, but this is a great option for anybody who's got snow in their game.

Comes with two texture variations, one emblazoned with the P45 NUCA logo for his deep seated appreciation of the arts, and another of Steinway Beer Garden.

NOTE: There's a small clipping issue with his ass and the hoodie that I still need to fix, it's difficult to test rigging with any model that isn't Niko. I have to fix it!

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17 mar 2024

Lore Friendly Alex Chilton

You ever found it weird how Niko's internet girlfriends had the same visual fidelity as any lady off the street? Find it weird no more! Alex has been lovingly re-sculpted into something resembling a human being and given the very same topology as any main storyline character.

Theres a small, unavoidable lip distortion issue despite having entirely vanilla weights. God save us and let one of those three private/indev Blender addons release already. I cant do this shit no more.

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20 dec 2023

Cardigan & Dress for Kate McReary

I liked Kate's usual cardigan, but I always found it strange she just had the one outfit in different textures for every situation in the game. So I made her a cropped, more bolero-like version of her cardigan and an original dress- as well as made her head drawable include her cleavage.

Also, some nice subtle boob jiggle on this model, for those of you who like that sort of thing.

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10 oct 2023

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